Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Getting a little closer

Well it's been a while, but I'm working my ticket.
Just a quick update on how things are coming along. I have had a bit of stall on my weight loss goal. But I am 5 lbs. away from my goal and feeling confident that I can get below my goal weight by the end of the month.
Image result for Mountain topI have had a lot of training opportunities over the past few months. Both with receiving and teaching, I've doubled the amount of sessions from twice a year to four that I teach for Life to Eagle rank with mostly full classes for each session of 50 people each.
I was able to complete my second year of University of Scouting from the Council, it was a great experience that allowed me to learn more about the role of the district, with helping the units.
I had also started a District Newsletter for our website to showcase different opportunities for Cubs, Boy Scouts and Venture. Along with Adults Scouters.
My final ticket item was to have a repeatable process to capture the Scouts that completed their Eagle Scout and give the District an updated way to send them info for other chances to stay in the program.
I believe that I'm on track to have everything completed soon.