Monday, April 3, 2017

Ticket Completed... Finally

    Well, I had a little more than a month to complete my ticket and I was able to squeak it all in.
But I now see the process real sheds some light on what we expect the Scouts to accomplish with getting Eagle Projects and other rank requirements along with their regular schools work and other activities.
    So I was able to meet with my counselor for Wood Badge and turn in everything and meet, it was great to get the Feedback from going through this journey.
I emailed my other members from our Builder Beaver patrol and it looks like 3 of us from the same District are going to be getting our Wood Badge Beads at our May Roundtable/Picnic.
    Also it looks like 5 out of the 6 members of my patrol were able to finish up their tickets. So I believe that we had a very successful patrol.
    It definitely was a Mountain Top Experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. I was able to reconnect with my Scouting roots and energize myself to continue working as a District Advancement Chair along with working with my Son's Troop as a Assistant Scout Master.
I started new processes for my roles and will be able to leave a legacy behind me that will make things easier and more efficient. I was able to lose 65lbs so I went 20lbs past my goal and am continuing my way to becoming more fit and in better health to be able to be around for my wife and son. along with being able to continue my love with the outdoors and camping.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Getting a little closer

Well it's been a while, but I'm working my ticket.
Just a quick update on how things are coming along. I have had a bit of stall on my weight loss goal. But I am 5 lbs. away from my goal and feeling confident that I can get below my goal weight by the end of the month.
Image result for Mountain topI have had a lot of training opportunities over the past few months. Both with receiving and teaching, I've doubled the amount of sessions from twice a year to four that I teach for Life to Eagle rank with mostly full classes for each session of 50 people each.
I was able to complete my second year of University of Scouting from the Council, it was a great experience that allowed me to learn more about the role of the district, with helping the units.
I had also started a District Newsletter for our website to showcase different opportunities for Cubs, Boy Scouts and Venture. Along with Adults Scouters.
My final ticket item was to have a repeatable process to capture the Scouts that completed their Eagle Scout and give the District an updated way to send them info for other chances to stay in the program.
I believe that I'm on track to have everything completed soon.